1st Reconciliation & Communion
This growing collection contains Mustard Seed Training original materials to aid families with home...
Accessories for Miniatures
Unpainted accessories are ready for your personal touch. These accessories are useful...
Advent & Christmas
Prepare your heart and home to welcome the Messiah, the Prince of...
Atrium Woodworks
Atrium WoodWorks grew out of the satisfaction Mike Kwitowski received from making...
Betty Jo Sews - Patterns
Betty Jo from Dallas, Texas makes Catholic things, baby things, and a few...
Bratthaus Woodworking
Woodworker Thomas Polak is father of several atrium children and incorporates woodworking as a...
CGS USA Vendor Member
We are honored to support your ministry of praying with children. Mustard Seed...
Christmas Religious Gift Guide
Live the joy of the Christmas season with these seasonal materials that...
Free Downloads
Come back every month for a new free, printable download related to...
Gifts & Extras
Gifts that can be used for Bible study and faith formation. Not official...
Greeting Cards
Send a heart-warming greeting with hand drawn greeting cards. Artist Joan Bratt's...
Home Prayer Essentials
This collection of essentials for home prayer was requested by a parent...
Joan Bratt Artwork
Joan's joyful style highlights the beautiful details of God's creation. Each scripture-inspired work is...
Lent & Easter
Prepare your heart and home for reconciliation & rebirth! Lent is a...
Little Mustard Seed Library
Short. Visual. Readable. High interest books help beginning readers. Support beginning readers...
Made to Order
These products are made to order. Please allow up to 6 weeks...
Memory Cards
Memory cards can keep God’s Word in our mouths and on our...
Monthly Specials
We are continuing our special free gift with purchases of $55 or more. Anyone...
Mustard Seed Family Prayer
Create a peaceful environment for listening to the Word of God with children...
Mustard Seed Sewing
Seamstress Ann Marie Darby is a homeschooling mother of eight who has carved out...
Mysteries of the Rosary
May you experience the love of the Good Shepherd by meditating on the Mysteries...
New Materials
Our artisan team is always thinking of materials we would love to...
Parables of the Kingdom
Kingdom Parables help children meditate on the parables of Jesus about the...
Printable Downloads
Our artisans have been praying for you to experience the love of...