Logo Design Winners!!
We have a winner! THANK YOU to everyone who gave your much-needed input on our logo design!!!!
Our logo contest had an interesting result, with the web poll rating one 4.7/5 and Instagram unanimously voting for another.
So we have two winners!
I selected a color theme to reconcile the two that also includes #663399 RebeccaPurple in memory of our friend Rebecca Meyer.
When I first visited a Catechesis of the Good Shpherd atrium, Laura Perran of Holy Rosary Parish in Cleveland, Ohio said being a nurse motivated her to get involved with the ministry. Working with children who had life threatening diseases opened her eyes to the spiritual lives of children, and the deep insight even the youngest can offer to those they meet.
Children as much as adults hunger for a spiritual vocabulary: gestures, words, stories that help both express and shape our deepest human yearnings--love, grief, community, justice, and wonder. Of all the treasures and symbols offered to young children, Sofia Cavaletti and Gianna Gobbi found that they responded most to the Good Shepherd who leads the sheep, calls each by name, finds them if they are lost, and is ultimately willing to lay down His life for them.
It is this desire for a more loving and just society that motivates our ministry at Mustard Seed Training. And it is fitting that the image of the listening sheep and contemplative child shepherd are the logos that best express our vision. We hope readers find items here that aid you on your spiritual journey with our youngest, listening to God together.