Finishing Your Parousia Symbol or Bible & Parousia Box

Finishing Your Parousia Symbol or Bible & Parousia Box

How to Finish Your Parousia Symbols or Box

Have you ordered or built a

The Parousia symbols ship with the bases & stand in place, but the circle (Creation) and cross (Redemption) separate. This gives you a chance to finish them before final assembly.

The Bible & Parousia Box should include: hinged box with two compartments, 4" wooden circle, and 4" wooden cross.

How to Finish Your Parousia Symbol or Box

1. Create a prayerful work space, thanking God for this opportunity to be a co-creator in the Kingdom.

2. Assemble your materials. You will need:

  • wood glue
  • yellow paint
  • blue, white and green paint OR photo print
  • optional: fine grit sandpaper & shellac

3. Paint the cross yellow to represent Redemption.

4. Paint the Earth on the circle to represent Creation, or print this image of the Earth from space as a 4"x6" print. Source: NASA

NASA Earth from space

5. Let paint dry overnight. Glue the circle and cross to the top of the box or to the stands using wood glue.

General Suggestions for Finishing Wooden Materials

The last steps #6 & 7 will reduce stains and splinters over time, but are not strictly necessary before using your materials. Also seven is the number of perfection or completion!

6. Optional: Use fine grit sandpaper to get a very smooth surface.

7. Optional: Seal your wooden materials with shellac, or other child-safe finish. Bob Villa explains how to shellac wood.

You can find directions to make the cards for this work in the CGS USA Materials Manual, available online to members in formation.

Enjoy using the Parousia symbols, and the Bible & Parousia Box to reflect on God's plan, since the beginning of time, to bring all of creation to the fullness of life.

May we respond with joy!

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