Mustard Seed Family Corner

Finishing Your Parousia Symbol or Bible & Parousia Box

Finishing Your Parousia Symbol or Bible & Parou...

Steps to finish the wooden Parousia symbols for CGS Levels 2 & 3. Enjoy!

Finishing Your Parousia Symbol or Bible & Parou...

Steps to finish the wooden Parousia symbols for CGS Levels 2 & 3. Enjoy!

3 Ways to Make A Raised Surface Map of Israel

3 Ways to Make A Raised Surface Map of Israel

You learn so much about people by experiencing important places in their lives. When falling in love with Jesus, we can better understand His life by learning more about his family's origin in Nazareth,...

3 Ways to Make A Raised Surface Map of Israel

You learn so much about people by experiencing important places in their lives. When falling in love with Jesus, we can better understand His life by learning more about his family's origin in Nazareth,...