Suggestions for Finishing Wooden Materials
These steps will reduce stains and splinters over time,
but are not strictly necessary before using your materials.
1. Create a prayerful work space, thanking God for this opportunity to be a co-creator in the Kingdom.
2. Make sure you have glued and painted or stained the atrium materials to your liking before finishing. You can find additional directions on finishing specific materials in the CGS USA Materials Manual, available online to members in formation. Let the glue and paint dry at least overnight, or longer depending on the manufacturer's instructions.
3. Assemble your finishing materials. For more detailed instructions and brands, see our Free Download: Suggested Finishing Instructions. You will need:
- fine grit sandpaper
- shellac or other child-safe finishing material
4. Use fine grit sandpaper to get a very smooth surface. Materials you order from Mustard Seed Training have been rough sanded.
5. Seal your wooden materials with shellac, or other child-safe finish. Bob Villa explains how to shellac wood. After drying, you may repeat steps 4 & 5 depending on how many layers of finish you want.
6. Another option to avoid furniture scratches & noise in the atrium is to glue felt on the bottom of your figures and dioramas.
7. Take some time to see your work through the eyes of a child. Celebrate and enjoy your work. Psalm 90:17 is a suitable prayer for this moment:
“Prosper the work of our hands!
Prosper the work of our hands!”
Enjoy using this time to reflect on God's plan, since the beginning of time, to bring all of creation to the fullness of life.